Bay Area 2: WWDC

Day 3

I got up bright and early to queue up for the keynote. It was pretty well managed and they funneled thousands of people into the big auditorium. I lucked out with my spot and sat right in front of the stage. In terms of operating systems they announced watchOS 6, iOS 13, macOS and kind of fork of iOS: iPadOS. They also introduced the new Mac Pro (Cheese Grater) and the Pro Display XDR.

Come feeding time I picked up my lunch package that was included int $1499 ticket. It was as bad as its reputations and I vowed to not eat that crap again 😅

In the afternoon I attended the state of the union where they introduced SwiftUI which will bring a huge shift in software development for Apple devices. Other big news are the ABI stability, improvements for the Swift Package Manager, Xcode improvements, AR improvements, compute shaders and much more.

On the way back to my AirBnB I picked up dinner, a bag of Californian pistacios and a bottle of wine (which was disgusting). Back at the cabin I checked into Slack and caught up with what went on in Vienna.

The watch says 10.734 steps and 7,69km. None the less, it did not close the move and exercise rings 😭

Day 4

I booked a slot to have a close look at the new Mac Pro and the XDR display. Apple organized a whole exhibition to showcase the industries where a beast like this could be used.

I had a whole catalogue of questions collected from my colleagues, so between sessions I queued up at the labs and talked to Apple engineers. During the breaks I went to one of the many stations where they had Ethernet cables and downloaded the latest operating system betas.

Another busy day and I walked 12.724 steps and 9,14km.

Day 5

I spent the whole day at sessions, in the labs and chatting with other attendees.

Apple made a lot of efforts to keep people engaged and to give them some opportunities to relax. Here are some people playing a player vs player AR bowling game carrying iPads (SwiftStrike) 😂

I came home having walked 13.118 steps and 9,75km. Move ring not closed 🙄

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