Hello DJI Mavic Air

I fantasized about owning a drone for a long time now. After a bit of research I went with the DJI Mavic Air. Supposedly perfect for beginners and hobbyists.

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Vienna City Marathon (2019)

Last year we couldn’t manage to organize groups for the Vienna City Marathon Relay, but this year we are back in full force. This year I ran the 11,46 distance at a pace of 5’15”, slower than last time, but still much better than the usual speed I run currently. Again I had the pleasure of running the last segment of the relay, so I was cheered on by thousands of watchers and picked up our group’s medals after the finish line.

Attending dotSwift 2019 in Paris

My employer gives me a generous yearly allowance to work on my education. So far I didn't take advantage of it, but this year will be different. First stop: Paris, France.

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Bat on the Hunt

Vienna City Marathon Relay (2017): First Time Running in a Competition

I started jogging and running in 2012 and kept the habbit with varying intervals between multiple times per week to multiple times per year. This year some of my colleagues suggested participating in the Vienna City Marathon in a relay group. The 42,2km get split into various lengths (ranging from ~6 to ~15km) that would all kinds of runners to participate.

It’s hard to describe the excitement of the day: Preparing the equipment, finding the relay station, meeting the person you take over from and then do the run. Everything worked out nicely, I ran my 11,27km with an average pace of 5’04”, which I think is my best time in a 10k+ so far. Running with/against others is a totally different feeling and extremely motivating. On top of that, I was the last in my group, so I got to enjoy to run into through the finish line where thousands of people were cheering.

Paper Bunny

As a little Easter gift I decided to create a small batch of these paper bunnies. It was fun to build, but I have to say: From certain angles it looks like a deer with very long ears. The model could also use some tweaks to make it easier to assemble — omething to improve for next time.

Brass Bookstand

I built a little book stand to present nicer editions on my shelf.

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How I Got Started With iOS Development

A brief history of how I transitioned from being a web and backend developer to an iOS developer (who doesn't hate Objective-C).

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Paper Iron Man Helmet

I built an Iron Man helmet out of paper using Blender, Pepakura and a Silhouette Portrait Cutter.

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Paper Boar Head

I built a boar head out of paper using Blender, Pepakura and a Silhouette Portrait Cutter.

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iPhone 6S Arrived

My new phone arrived and I couldn’t be more excited! The trusty 4S cannot handle the new iOS versions anymore (at least not in a performant way) and the battery life has become abysmal, especially on cold days.

Also, since two weeks I’m an iOS developer at my company. A lot of fundamental stuff to learn, but also a massive existing codebase to dive into.

Developing a Game with Ruby and Gosu

One of my goals for 2021 was to complete every Apple Watch challenge and to fill the move ring every day.

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